Tuesday, June 18, 2013

TTC: "Advanced Maternal Age"

I found this cool website dedicated to Seasoned Mama's! I like Seasoned Mama's over Advanced Maternal age. Bleh! If you goog.le "trying to get pregnant after 35 years old" be ready to feel like a prehistoric dinosaur with scrambled deformed eggs. Grrrrrrrrr! I really need to not goog.le shyt but it's hard not to. When Mommy N was pregnant with Baby C we made a pact NOT to goog.le anything!
Well, I did. Bad decision.
I spent the early part of the 3rd trimester worrying about "what if there is a knot in the cord" because Baby C always had the hiccups! Got dammit Goog.le! I asked the OB about it during one of our weekly visits and she was like, "WHAT!? Don't even entertain that thought! Just Pray..." Simple enough. So I did and all is well. Baby C is now a healthy and thriving almost 3 month old.
Back to getting pregnant after 35............
I came across an article that read, "Getting pregnant after 35 is Selfish." It hurt. Just a little. How is waiting until you've found the right person to marry, finished your education, have a stable home, physically, mentally and emotionally in order, career, good salary......all to provide the best life possible for your future kids selfish??!!! No, I wasn't hurt I was pissed when I read that! Selfish? Really?
So, getting pregnant in your 20's when you really don't have a clue about being a parent, no job, no stable home, not married, limited education not healthy...is better? {I'm not saying that if you are IN your 20's that these apply to you...I'm just making a general point}
I'm PROUD to be a more Seasoned Mama Dammit! I made the right decision for MY life by waiting. If God had intended for me to get pregnant before now it would have happened. The plan for my life has already been set before me.
I'm 36 and going to make a baby! In YO FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ha! Love this post. I will likely be in my mid 30's when I'm pregnant for the first time. My wife had our daughter when she was 34 years old and had a perfectly healthy pregnancy so I don't think there is anything wrong with being a "seasoned mama". Thanks for following our TTC#2 journey and I look forward to following yours too. In reading your most recent posts, it's crazy how similar our situations are. Both planning to TTC#2, both planning to carry for the first time and I too recently found out that I'm going to need to find a new job so I'm in the process of figuring out how to do that and continue TTC at the same time.

    Good luck in your TTC journey! I look forward to following. :)

    1. lol...Glad you enjoyed! Thanks so much for following this wild journey of mine :)
      So good to hear I have someone in my circle that is traveling a similar road. The whole job element is still one that I go back and forth with but I know it will all work out in the end. So Happy to meet you!
