Monday, July 8, 2013

Eggs and Updates

I want to first start off by sending up a prayer for one of my fellow blogger friends who has been newly diagnosed with colon/liver cancer. I have been following her and her wife's TTC journey for over a year and to learn of this news is so heartbreaking. After trying to conceive for several years they welcomed a sweet baby girl 5 months ago. She has been diagnosed with cancer and the prognosis isn't good. Truly heartbreaking. The blogger community is rallying behind you Crazy Lesbian Mom and you're not in this alone! I believe in Miracles. Here is the link to her blog if you want to show her support & send encouragement
The Job:
I thank you ALL for your support and positive words! Just to update you...I wasn't able to accept the position. Bummer. No, dammit! The salary just wouldn't work and I was informed that the position was contingent upon federal funding, so I had to decline. I cannot put my hopes in Uncle Sam these days. Way too many cuts and uncertainties. I have a family to provide for and I can't take those types of gambles. So, my search continues and it looks like we are back on target for our October insemination. That is, unless another job offer comes thru between now and September. Either way...send some positive energy into the Universe for me in that department.
The RE appointment:
We went to see the RE on July 3rd. I was hella nervous. Meanwhile my wife was all chipper and skippin thru the doors. I'm sure it's because she is no longer in the fertility hot seat this time. Grrrr! lol It was cool to see all the staff that helped us create Baby C. They were all so giggly and excited to see her! Now back for #2 it did provide some calmness within me. I guess because now I feel like we are vets and we "know the drill." I know each experience is different but I don't feel the anxiety I felt when we went in for my wife.
Now, about my eggs......well folks they are not scrambled! Yay! I had a follow-up pap done and an ultrasound. Since I was on CD10 the RE wanted to do an ultrasound to "see how things looked." Lo and behold at CD10 I had a 16mm follicle on the left and several smaller ones on the right. She said my uterus looks so healthy it could be in a "textbook." I'll take that Ma'am! Overall I found out a few things that helped ease my mind: 1. I'm not that old 2. My "stuff works" 3. My body is gearing up to make a baby when the time comes.
--{Tires Screech}-- Wait, I forgot something. I'm really gonna need these RE's to understand that some lesbos haven't had anything. Up. There. In YEARS! Like 13 years. So, when invading me with that probe to do the ultrasound I really wanted to jump OFF that table! OMG! Was that a rubber on there? It sure looked like one. "Dear Wife, please don't get any ideas because it ain't happenin. Ever. Never. Ever"
......Oh, I couldn't jump off the table because I didn't wanna look like a punk! My G status would have been ruined if I did. But, how much G status can you have with a probe up in you? Eh...whateva....... 
Guess I better get used to it. Fcuk.


  1. Those pesky transvaginal ultrasounds are sorely uncomfortable! Hoping your next experience is a bit gentler.

    1. I hope so "andjustaddwater"! I really do. lol
      ......Or I will have to say, "please take it easy on the kid" the next time I get one lol
