Thursday, August 15, 2013

TWW: Now I Wait..........

Well folks...while I was proof reading my last blog entry on Monday, the phone rang. And yep, you guessed it. A job interview. I applied for this position last month and had totally written it off. I went in for my interview on yesterday and now I wait. Waiting has never been my strong point. I have no clue how I did and I'm not going to drive myself crazy replaying my responses to those interview questions. I did the best I could and besides, I can't go back to change my answers now. 

Just when I was ready and geared up to start trying next month this comes my way. I just keep telling myself well, I did pray. And I did tell God I was only working with 8 weeks. So maybe this is it. Maybe He stepped in right on-time! Maybe it's meant for this door to open for me. Just maybe..........or maybe again, this isn't the path He has for me right now. Maybe I'm supposed to get pregnant and focus on that....and only that, void of external stress. *Le Sigh*

I'm just trying to keep myself busy and not dwell on it. Today I've thrown myself back into baby focus mode to keep my mind from obsessing over if/when my phone will ring about this job. I can't torture myself like that. What's meant to be will be. -sidebar- I feel like I'm blogging about the same ole' issue. lol Blah....But this is my journey and I know the exciting part is about to begin. Either at my new job or baby makin' for #2! 

Oh, we have a middle name for #2 if it's a boy. Mommy N and I decided this morning. lol That makes me excited and happy. So many of you out there are finding out you're having BOYS! How cool! Pleaseee send some of that blue baby dust MY way! lol 

Oh well, I'm in the TWW Job Hunters Edition. lol Ugh! TWW's suck!

Today is CD5 and I will start testing with the opk's on CD8... which is this Sunday. I've decided to test once a day at 2pm. I will test until CD14 this cycle. 

That's all for now. Please send me positive energy! I could really use it. I will update as soon as I hear...or don't hear something. 


  1. Such exciting things going on for you right now - so awesome! I'm sure you nailed the interview but I also think you're right, whatever is meant to be will be. Sending prayers your way. :)

    1. Thanks soooo much! Either way...I'm okay with the next chapter :)

  2. God is always right on time and he will show you which path you should take right now. I admire your patience; it isn't easy to sit back and wait for life to take its course. Your life is moving at breakneck speed but precisely what is destined to happen will happen. So, I'm sending good vibes for this new job as well as sticky blue baby dust your way!

    1. Thank you so much Camille! I needed those words of encouragement at this very moment! I actually JUST sent out my "Note of Thanks" to the interview panel so at this point I'm letting it go. I've done all I can humanly do and I just have to wait and be of good cheer lol
      Thank you for the sticky blue baby dust as well!!! :)
