Thursday, December 12, 2013

11 weeks 0 days! Pregnancy Updates.

Today I'm officially 11 weeks 0 days. I'm so very thankful to have made it this far. Things have still been uneventful and I'm thankful for that as well. I'm almost done with my progesterone suppositories and that will be a major milestone for me. I'm so over those messy things! I should be finish in a few days! Thank God! My wife and I have lots of se.x to make up for once they are out of the equation! Helllllz yeah! I'm telling you...I think those suppositories have sleeping components in them because as soon as I insert two I'm gone! *sighs* Did I say I will be so glad when I'm done with those things?!? lol

 Since my last post I discovered my health insurance will not cover the Maternit21 test...they will only cover the Harmony. So, harmony it is. I'm scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9am. It's still up in the air as to whether I'm going to have the NT tomorrow as well and the ONLY way I will get it is if they assure me that 11 weeks 1 day is not too early annnnnd it will not impact the measurements/results. I have my 12 week OB follow-up on the 18th.

I think I'm going to tell my coworkers in a few weeks. Like, after I get the results of my genetics testing. I wanted to tell them at our Christmas party on the 17th but i'm not so sure now. Either way I plan to tell them in the next 2 weeks. Jaws are gonna hit da floor! lol

How Far Along? 11 weeks today! Yippee!

Total Weight Gain: Only the Good Lord knows but I’m still fitting my work uniform cargo pants & I don’t particularly feel like I’m huge, yet.

Maternity Clothes: Nope. I wouldn’t wear girly maternity clothes anyway. I’ve already invested in some comfy jogging bottoms and I have my “Big Belly” wardrobe already picked out courtesy of the men’s department at Target.

Symptoms: Heartburn. Exhaustion. But still no morning sickness. I’m starting to believe that the pregnancy gods have smiled on me. I think I’m one of those lucky women who escape the dreaded morning/all-day sickness. This is a super awesome kid I’m carrying! *knocks on wood*

Stretch Marks: No more than I already had on my stomach.

Belly Button In/Out: Nothing yet. Still in.

Sleep: Great and all the time.

Best Moment Last Week: Hitting double digits at 10 weeks.

What I Miss: Being active and not requiring as much sleep. I miss having the energy to do more than just go to work and come home. I will be so thankful if the second trimester brings me some much needed energy. I'm sure my wife will appreciate it also.

What I’m looking forward to: My genetics screening tomorrow (maybe the NT scan) and most of all getting the results. In a few days....NO MORE progesterone suppositories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Food Cravings: Salads, pineapples, apple sauce and oranges! Salads make the belly soooo happy.

Food Aversions: EGGS! Ughhhhhhh! I hate them now. *gags* I used to LOVE eggs. Now they make me so sick! Ewwwwwwwwwww

Gender: Team Green……for now……can’t wait to find out! I've said this from the moment I found out I was pregnant....I think this is a BOY! 

Movement: None

My Concerns or Questions: I have elevated blood pressure readings at the OB’s office so I’m going to ask the nurse if they can take my pressure at the end of my visit instead of at the beginning. Oh, and I just need to hear Sprouts heartbeat. I haven’t heard it since 8 weeks 1 day and I need reassurance. 

Goals for the week: NOT stress over waiting for the genetics results. 

Anyway, that's all for now. Prayerfully I will have good news/updates next time. I'm hoping it won't take long for my results to come back. Until then....continue to send positive energy, light & prayers my way.


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